One Happy Couple On A World Adventure

Archive for August, 2012

How Mobile Are You?

What if you were suddenly presented with the opportunity to take a day trip?  How about a trip to the coast?  Move across town?  Move across the continent?  How about to another country?  Would you be able to grab the opportunity and run?  The answer probably depends on this:  How mobile are you?

Here in America, we are raised to believe that the American Dream is some variation of a house, a spouse, 2.5 kids, a dog, and a picket fence.  Before all that, you should work hard in school, go to college, and when you graduate, an amazing job will be waiting for you, along with the aforementioned spouse so that you both can get to work on the kids, the fence, and the dog.  I bought stock in the dream, so to speak, but I eventually reached a point in my life where I started to realize it wasn’t for me.  Whether you are loving the Dream or are taking a different path, one thing is consistent.  The more stuff you have, the less mobile you are, and the less able you are to take advantage of new opportunities.  And it’s reeeally easy to accumulate a lot of stuff. (more…)