One Happy Couple On A World Adventure

Archive for April 23, 2011

Unusual Firsts

Reflecting on how my life is different now and what new things I’ve experienced, yesterday comes to mind.  I started the day mowing the humungous lawn at Lei Chambris. I am not good at estimating these kinds of things but my guess is that it’s about a football field and a half, maybe two.  I, of course, only managed to mow a small portion, but being the perfectionist that I am, it was as spiffy as I could get it (even when the grasses were two feet tall in places).  You might be wondering at this point what “firsts” I could be referring to.  Yes, I have mowed many a lawn before.  But this time, I mowed with a gas mower that I pull-started instead of an electric one (a surprising first, maybe, but it’s true), and I also drove to the gas station to fill the gas can.  Speaking of silly firsts, I’ve managed to overcome a bizarre phobia of mine– lighting a match– which I had to do to start a fire in the wood-burning stove in our stone cottage the other day.  But I digress. (more…)